Title: Sockeye深圳训练营
Location: 深圳市西丽大学城北京大学深圳研究生院足球场
Description: 需要提前报名,具体事项请联系起延;
Start Date: 2013-01-25
Start Time: 09:00
End Date: 2013-01-27
End Time: 18:00
Title: Sockeye深圳训练营
Location: 深圳市西丽大学城北京大学深圳研究生院足球场
Description: 需要提前报名,具体事项请联系起延;
Start Date: 2013-01-25
Start Time: 09:00
End Date: 2013-01-27
End Time: 18:00
I think I registered but I’m not sure. My name is Jay Timmerman. I tried twice and I got a blank screen. I live in Changsha and would like to play in this tournament. I’m 200 cm tall and I have 4 years of University Club level experience. Also, Reddick (Angle Dust) is my friend so you should let me play 🙂