2012年深圳夏季室内联赛总决赛+颁奖; 2012 Shenzhen Summer Indoor League Finals + Award!

Dear All the participants and supporter of Shenzhen Ultimate
Thank you very much for your support to Shenzhen Ultimate. The 2012 Shenzhen Summer Indoor League has been a great success with your support. The final of the league will be held on this Sunday 26th of Aug, 9:30 am. SZFDF would like invite you and your family and friends to come to watch the final and join us after the final for a celebration to the success conclusion of the league. We will also be giving out awards after the league. The lunch award celebration will be held between 12:30 till 2 pm. and the cost will be around 30 RMB/person.
We hope to see you on Sunday.
Thank you and best regards.

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