2012深圳夏季联赛第二轮选秀以及转会事宜,2012 Shenzhen Summer League, second round of drafting and the transfer window.

已经期待已久的2012夏季联赛第二轮选秀和转会已经开始了。在第二轮选秀中,总共六名选手进入第二轮选秀,他们分别是:Colin, Steve, Ken, Sophie,小淮和哒哒。同时昨晚12点整,所有队伍也已经向其他三支队伍发出了转会邀请。至此转会第一轮结束。下面各队队长会进行紧张的谈判,转会窗将在周一晚上12点关闭。尽情期待。下面是各队的转会要求:
Dear Ultimate players,
The long awaited 2012 Shenzhen Summer League second drafting and transfer window has started. In the second drafting, six players were selected by all the teams. By 12pm last night, all the teams have sent their transfer request to the other three teams. This is also the end of first stage of the transfer window. Next all the captains will start their one on one discussion. The transfer window will be closed at 12pm Monday night. Below is the trasnfer requsts from all the teams.


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