2013年中国公开赛报名信息 China Nationals Registration Information
报名信息Registration Information
Attached, please find the registration form for this year’s China Nationals. The early-bird team registration deadline is May 1. You must email your registration info and wire in your money by that date to get the early-bird price. FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS ON THE SPREADSHEET (and don’t change the columns or formulas). Any player who is not accounted for by May 1 will have to pay an extra 30 RMB.
今年的参赛费用如下 This year’s prices will be:
提前缴费优惠/EARLY BIRD |
普通缴费/REGULAR |
Chinese students: 国内学生: |
¥180 (or HKD $228) |
¥210 (or HKD $266) |
Working Chinese: 国内工作族 |
¥350 (or HKD $443) |
¥380 (or HKD $481) |
Foreigners: 外籍队员 |
¥350 (or HKD $443) |
¥380 (or HKD $481) |
The final team deadline is May 11. We will accept individual player registration up until Friday, May 17, but those who are hoping to pick up with a team are advised to let us know early.
In the meantime, please give us an indication whether your team is planning to come, especially if you’re new to China Nationals!
退款声明/Refund Declaration:
The individual or team who quits before May 1st (excluding May 1st) can get 80% refund of the amount paid. Please understand that individual or team who quits on or after May 1st will not able to get refund.
1、 此次活动最终解释权归深圳市飞盘运动协会.
SZFDA has the final interpretation of this event.
2、 其他信息请留意新浪微博更新或来信索取
For more information, please follow SZFDA’s Weibo: @深圳市飞盘运动协会 or write in to request
3、 咨询组联系方式Contact Consultant:
电邮Email: joy@szfda.cn
电话 Tel: 小五 (86)15986828505
期望得到更多赞助商的支持, More sponsors wanted!
请兴趣的请与Max联系:电邮Email: 1109540535@qq.com 电话 Tel: 15814457582