2013年中国极限飞盘赛 赛事免责声明

2013年中国极限飞盘赛  赛事免责声明


1、   本次2013年中国极限飞盘赛为非赢利性质的健身交友活动,当运动员发生意外事故或因突发气候变化和急性疾病等不可预测因素造成身体损害时,团队的发起者和同行者有义务尽力救助,但如果造成了不可逆转的损害,赛事的主办方、承办方及组委会及执行委员会及足球团队的其他成员不负担任何责任。团队的任何一名队员都应本着:“尽力救助,风险自担”的原则参加活动,活动发起者和组织者亦不承担任何法律和经济责任。

2、   凡参加者均视为具有完全民事行为能力的人,如在活动中发生人身损害后果,团队的发起者和同行者不承担赔偿责任,由被损害人依据法律规定和本声明依法解决,凡参加者均视为接受本声明。

3、   如有人有意侵害他人或涉嫌违法犯罪行为,则不在上述免责人员范围内,损害人或违法者必须承担相应的法律责任。该免责声明目的是提醒活动发起者和同行者再次知晓2013年中国极限飞盘赛的风险,提高自律能力和抗风险能力,免除一些不必要的后果,让极限飞盘活动更安全,更快乐。







1、 本人自愿参加本次比赛,本人既是联赛的参加者,也是联赛的组织者;

2、 本人经过医学检查,能参加剧烈运动,完全有参加此次比赛的身体条件;

3、 本人已购买参加此次比赛的意外伤害保险,并对其真实性负责;

4、 本人在参加本次比赛过程中,跟本人行为相关的法律后果都由我本人全部承担,与本次赛事的主办方、承办方及组委会及执行委员会无关。


身份证号码:                                                承诺人:          


年    月    日



2013 China Ultimate Frisbee Tournament–Disclaimer

  1. This tournament is non-profit and designed for providing platform to participants to communicate and interact with each other in the matches. When there is accident or acute illness accursed by unexpected factors results damages to athletes, the initiator of team and peers have obligation conduct rescue as much as possible. The event organizers, Organizing Committee, Executive Committee and teammates of the participants do not bear any responsibility. Every player in a team should comply with the principle of trying your best to provide helps and bearing your own risk. The event initiators and organizers do not assume any legal and economic responsibility.
  2. All participants are considered with full civil capability. If there are injuries or damages to the participants during the tournament, team initiator and peers shall not be liable for the injuries or damages abovementioned, and any disputes arise from abovementioned injuries or damages should be resolved in accordance with law and this disclaimer. All the participants are regarded that have accepted this disclaimer.
  3. People who intentionally infringe or conduct criminal acts shall not be included in this statement and shall bear the corresponding legal liability. The aim of this statement is to remind the tournament initiator and peers to acknowledge the risks of 2013 China Ultimate Frisbee Tournament, improve self-discipline and ability to resist risks and avoid unwanted consequences, make ultimate frisbee activities safer and more enjoyable.



Solemn Promise

To: 2013 China Ultimate Frisbee Organizer, Organizing Committee and Executive Committee

I have read the relevant provisions of the documents and events of the 2013 Ultimate Frisbee tournament, I declare as follows:

  1. I voluntarily participate in this competition, both tournament participants and the organizer.
  2. I have done the medical examination assure that I am able to participate in strenuous exercise and entirely physical condition to participate in the competition.
  3. I have bought accident insurance to participate in the competition, and be responsible for its authenticity.
  4. I assume full responsibility for the legal consequences associated with my behavior in the tournament has nothing to do with the organizers of the event, the organizer and the Organizing Committee and the Executive Committee.


ID. Number:                                                                              Accepter:





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