

2013 Shenzhen Hat Tournament






Dear all Frisbee Comrades,

Happy New Year!

Do you still remember the amazing weekend we had together in 2012 Shenzhen Hat Tournament?

Yes! And that weekend will be back again on March 23rd – 24th but only it is in 2013 this year!

Can’t wait? Register right now!

We will open 100 spots in this tournament at this stage. For players after NO.100, they will be located onto the waiting list. The success of registration is subjected to your prompt payment. If the payment exceed the deadline among the first 100 players, we will consider the spot is given up hence it will be given to the players on the waiting list who want it more. More details to come about the tournament and payment after the Spring Festival.

注册页面(To register pls. go to) :http://szupa.cn/?p=378

[Mar 6,2013]: 缴费等相关通知/notice of payment and others

[Mar 11,2013]: 大赛手册/2013 Shenzhen Hat Tournament Official Program.pdf



Organizer: Shenzhen Flying Disc Federation (SZFDF)


Co-Organizer: Xcom Sports Co.,Ltd.

时  间:2013年3月23-24日

Date: March 23rd – 24th, , 2013

地  点:深圳市龙岗区大运中心

Location: Longgang District Universiade Field (Longgang District, Central City, Longxing Boulevard)

主  题:大电影(cosplay任何电影里的角色)

Tournament Theme: The Movie(Be anyone you want from a movie)

报 名 费:提前支付300元/人,现场支付350元/人,学生享受50元优惠。



Registration Fee: Early Bird RMB300/player, Cash payment during the tournament: RMB350/player. RMB50 off for students.

Registration fee covers:

The field, water, fruits, 2 lunches, a tournament jersey, a tournament Disc.

Kindly be advised that accommodation, transportation and party are not included in the registration fee.


1. 根据预报名情况,本次大赛将可能在3月22日下午安排中国第一届的女子极限飞盘赛,欢迎报名。

2. 如能获得赞助,我们将提供更好的条件给各位参赛者。

3. 如果你对该次比赛有任何疑问,可以发邮件至szfdf.org@gmail.com咨询。

4. 大赛的最新信息将第一时间公布在本网站,并会通过邮件通知已经注册的选手。

5. 本次大赛信息已本网站为主,最终解释权归深圳市飞盘运动协会所有。

Pls note:

1. The 1st Women Division in China will be arranged on March 22nd in the afternoon,which is subject to the

interests from the players we have received during registration.

2. If we find any sponsors, we will offer even better deals to all the players in the tournament.

3. If you have any questions regarding this tournament, pls email us at : szfdf.org@gmail.com

4. First hand updates will be available on this website. Players who have registered for the tournament will

also receive related emails about the updates.

5. This website shall be deemed to be the original and most updated information in case of any disputes.

SZFDF has the right of the final interpretation of this event.


Jan 22, 2013

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