香港2013年沙灘飛盤“帽子”競賽/Hong Kong Ultimate Beach Hat Tournament 2013

Title: 香港2013年沙灘飛盤“帽子”競賽/Hong Kong Ultimate Beach Hat Tournament 2013
Location: Tai Pak Beach, Discovery Bay
Link out: Click here
Description: Hong Hong Ultimate Beach Hat Tournament 2013

To Learn more about how Ultimate Frisbee is played, please visit our website:

Date: 31st August, 2013 (Saturday)
Venue: Tai Pak Beach, Discovery Bay
Time: 9:30 – 18:00 Capacity: 100 mixed-gender players (20 spaces reserved for beginners)
Player Fee: $160 for HKUPA members, $180 for non-members

Payment Methods:
1) Bank Transfer to HSBC Hong Kong.
Beneficiary: Hong Kong Ultimate Players Association, account number: 809-499338-001.
(Please forward your payment slip to Overseas surcharges may apply)
2) Cash to Nick Tsao (tournament director), Kingi Lau (treasurer) or Wilkie Chu (membership director)
3) Paypal via hattournaments .com(+$12 service charge)

Payment Deadline: 13th August, 2013 (Tuesday).
Player who have not paid by the deadline will risk losing their place to the shortlist.
An additional $20 late-charge will apply to payments after 20th August (Tuesday)

This year’s beach hat will be held at Discovery Bay’s Tai Pak Beach. We chose to move back to DB because of the amount of space available, easier accessibility and unbeatable public exposure for the event, HKUPA, and ultimate as a sport. Games will run all day finishing with an epic afterparty at Discovery Bay D-Deck. We are expanding the size of the tournament and encouraging new players to join, so invite more friends to play or to simply come and watch.!

Tournament Details:
This will be a one day hat tournament with 8 or 10 teams competing in 4-on-4 beach ultimate games. Players will sign up as individuals and be assigned into balanced teams based on their playing experience and ability. The term ‘hat’ tournament derives from ‘drawing names out of a hat’.

There is a total capacity of 100 mixed-gender players, of which 20 spaces will be reserved for beginners. Teams will compete in round-robin games in two equal pools and those results will determine the seedings for the A-pool and B-pool championship stages.

Games will generally follow WFDF 2013 Beach Ultimate 4-on-4 Rules.

Player Fee Package:
Tournament fees will include one full day of play, one team jersey, lunch, fruit, water, San Miguel© beers and dinner deal at Caramba for the after party.
(Alcoholic beverages will not be served to persons under 18 years of age)

One of the main purposes of moving the tournament to Saturday was so that we can have a bigger and wilder afterparty!

We are once again sponsored by San Miguel©, so beers will be flowing all day long. After the awards, we will move the party to the beach side terrace at the Caramba Mexican restaurant (D-Deck, right next to the beach). We have organised a buy-one-get-one-free deal on main courses including enchiladas, buritos, fajitas and chilli con-carne (vegetarian options included). Main course prices range from $140-180 (BEFORE the half price discount). We also have discounts on Mojito and Margarita pitchers!

In addition, anyone who spends more than $100 at dinner will receive a free ferry ticket back to Central (originally $37 before midnight, $52.7 after midnight)!
(Alcoholic beverages will not be served to persons under 18 years of age)

Discovery Bay is on the eastern coast of Lantau Island. Tai Pak Beach is right next to Discovery Bay ferry pier.
1)Ferries run from Central Pier 3. A one-way ticket costs $37 before midnight and $52.7 after midnight (25 minutes)
2) Bus DB01R from Tung Chung Citygate bus station (20 minutes)
3) Bus DB03R from MTR Sunny Bay Station (15minutes)
4) Bus DB02R from HK International Airport Terminal 1 (30 minutes)

Taxis and private cars cannot drive into Discovery Bay.

Ferry Schedule (From Central):
Ferry Schedule (From DB):
Bus Schedules: Click on ‘Bus’ tabs and ‘External Bus Route’

Contacts: Nick Tsao (Tournament Director):

日期:8月31日,2013 (星期六)
場地:大白灣海灘 (愉景灣)
時間: 9:30 – 18:00
參與人數:100 男女競賽者(20個位子專留給初學者)
參與費用: $160 香港飛盤總會會員 或 $180非會員

Hon​​g Kong Ultimate Players Association, 银行戶口: 809-499338-001
2)現金手遞給Nick Tsao (賽事總監), Kingi Lau (財務秘書),Wilkie Chu (會籍理事)
3)通過 用Paypal (+$12 手續費)

付款限期: 8月13日前

今年的沙灘飛盤“帽子”競賽會於愉景灣的大白灣海灘舉辦。我們決定返回愉景灣的主要原因是那裡空間​​廣大,交通便捷,即可以充分利用愉景灣的宣傳曝光機會來擴展這活動,總會與飛盤的正面信息。我們希望把此活動每年擴張,鼓勵新生球員– 請積極邀請大家的朋友來參與或觀看!

比賽會在一天內完結。一百個球員會分成八至十隊,為四對四的格局競賽。參加者單獨報名,然後總會會根據他們的飛盤經驗和體力公平分配球隊。 “帽子”競賽的典故是來自英文的說法’draw names out of a hat’, 翻譯成《從帽子中取出名字》。

參與人數最多有一百名球員,性別不分。其中二十個位子會故意留給初學者。隊伍會先在兩組平等小組進行循環賽,結果的分數會決定重組排名。 A組和B組會各自進行迷你錦標賽。

比賽會取用WFDF 2013 沙灘飛盤四比四的規則:

以上列出的費用會包括全日競賽,隊衣一件,午餐,水果,食水,San Miguel©啤酒,Caramba 餐廳晚餐折扣。


我們再次獲得San Miguel©的讚助,會整天提供啤酒。頒獎典禮以後,我們會把派對搬遷到沙灘旁邊Caramba墨西哥餐廳的戶外平台。我們安排了各款主菜買一送一的獨家優惠,包括echiladas, buritos, fajitas和chilli con-carne (有包素食款項)。主菜價錢由$140至$180(打折前)。大壺Mojito或Margarita也有折扣!

此外,每人消費多於$100就可獲得免費往中環船票一張(原價半夜前$37, 半夜後$52.7)!



1)中環三號碼頭輪船。單程票半夜前$37, 半夜後$52.7 (25分鐘)
2)DB01R巴士 從東涌東薈城巴士總站(20分鐘)
3)DB03R 巴士 從地鐵欣澳站(15分鐘)
4)DB02R 巴士 從香港國際機場一號客運大樓(30分鐘)

巴士時間表 (請選擇’巴士’然後’區外巴士路線):

聯絡人: Nick Tsao (賽事總監):

Event Organisers 活动主办:
HKUPA 香港飞盘总会


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